Jangan Tunggu Kaya untuk Berbagi

"Ambilah zakat dari sebagian harta mereka, dengan zakat itu kamu membersihkan dan mensucikan mereka, dan do'akanlah mereka karena sesungguhnya do'amu dapat memberikan ketenangan bagi mereka. Dan Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui." (Surat At-Taubah ayat 103).

you wanna share rezeki. dont wait be rich to share maybe, this expression look simple but we all agree. however, sometime we forget on the expression in real life. something work make a person smile or happy coz good deed we have.

maybe. we often supposing. " if I be rich person, i will buy my mom a nice jewelry". " if I be rich person, I will buy mY dad cars"." if I be rich person, I will fulfill all what my sister want"."if I be rich person, I will donate my money to fatherless child". "if I be rich person, I will ...bla. bla...bla...bla...". But. than I aware. when I rich, and than I think so. Rich, Like what "have money, many property, having power" ...?

duh... ... ... my mind is complicated (ruwet,jindeli ..java*). The rich, very difficult to define. Size of rich different by each other.

And than I sure. ..
Exactly, the most important is feel enough with God giving to us. Ok, we need learn and hard work to hold the dreams. but, not with "ngoyo" (see know the time), moreover go through a second (corruption and deceive) is more oppres and torment each other. Maybe, with this way we can get more money. but believe it, all will not bless to you.

chase the property never endless. what we have, little spoused to each other, dont wait be rich, this is the keyword. For a muslim man, is obligation understand about learn of zakat. spoused little the property to each other (poor people). Nah, the problem here. We feel poor, is hard to pay zakat. But, if we feel enaugh what we having, Insya 4JJI, we will do who 4JJI learn is bring by Muhammad SAW.

with zakat, can be solution to less destitution. I ever read the writter in indonesia zakat site. if the learn was do it by social community will less destitution in this country. only here, how we create aware to zakat.

I think, this aware of zakat start from understand about learn of Islam. than, we can try with empathy.
I have story about empathy. this empathy was look by sell food. The time I was ngabuburit (distractions while waiting for day's fast to end). when it's time to breaking of fast, me and my friends come by in food stall. yet.in my side there is a buyer man. he use a fade cloth. hemmmm...actually, he is a beggar was came by thirstiness and hungry.

Finished, he pay for this a food. but, the seller push away. After he gone, I ask a question "Mr. seller why you dont receive the money from him?" with slowly he said " nggak mas kasihan" Ind*. hohohohoho, wy heart was touch. that's not ordinary a pack of food but a pack food empathy. maybe, you not look a rich man but you can give rezeki to each other. Salute to you.. I hope God response you carefully and add more rezeki to you...

Aamiiiiiin ... ... ...

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